Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Welcome to a world of randomness...

I decided to start a blog. I cant believe it, actually. I was so anti-blog for so long and here I am, creating one. My husband said to me about a year ago, "You should start a blog." I rolled my eyes and said something to the effect of, "Blogs annoy me. And besides, no one really cares that much about what I have to say. My life is not that exciting. What the hell would I write about?" He dropped the subject...
Several months ago I was having lunch with a friend. This friend is someone that makes me laugh on the rare occassion we get together. We are not by any means "close", nor do we see each other on a frequent basis. However, she is someone that I admire and I value her opinion because I know she will be honest with me. During lunch she said to me, "You should start a blog". It surprised me because it was so out of the blue. I brushed the idea off but it remained in the back of my mind...
Fast forward to 2 days ago. I have been using Instagram recently as a way to chronicle (in a way) my new journey toward fitness and health. In response to a recent picture I posted on Instagram, a friend of mine commented the following: "I wish you could know how much your writing about your feelings and running through it is helping me right now. Such bad, dark days lately. Thank you for being a light in the middle of it all." It brought me to tears because I understand about finding that "light" in the middle of darkness. It made me really think about the people in my life that have helped me carry on when I wanted to give up. I felt as if I needed to "pay it forward" in a sense and keep on writing...
Instagram is great for sharing pictures but I felt the need to be on a bigger forum so here I am...starting a blog. When I decided to do it, the first people I told were my husband (naturally) and my friend that also suggested it. I promised them they would be the first ones that I sent the link to. And they are going to be. I wont be sending this link to everyone in my email address book and I wont be "advertising" that Ive started this. Word of mouth is how this will grow or not grow.
I have no idea really what the "theme" of this blog will be other than random thoughts that I experience along the way. Im not clever with my writing, Im far from eloquent, and I will probably not blog everyday (actually I guarantee I wont). Most of my writings will probably contain swear words...if that offends you stop reading now. I cant guarantee that every post will be inspiring or positive or "happy" because the writing will simply be my thoughts (and they are not always pretty). The only thing I can guarantee is that my writing will be honest.
Side note: About the name of my blog...I was trying to come up with something clever or witty and was drawing a blank. One afternoon I was eating a grapefruit and listening to Jimi Hendrix and thinking about how much I was enjoying both of those things. "Grapefruits and Classic Rock"...simple. The name for my blog.

"Whether you think you can or you cant, you're right"